Rooted in Mapmaking

Rooted in Mapmaking

From the president.

I’m a big believer in remembering where you came from and honoring your predecessors. I’m a “student of the game,” as they say in sports, both in my personal and professional lives. I love to see the connection of generations, whether it’s with my extended family, my favorite Pittsburgh sports teams, or in our own company.

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Increasing Transportation Planning Resiliency with Landslide Vulnerability Modeling

Increasing Transportation Planning Resiliency with Landslide Vulnerability Modeling

April showers bring May flowers has been a saying from as far back as the 1500s. Lately, the showers just keep coming—and so does the stormwater that follows. All this rain is leading to an increase in landslides, damaging roads and highways in southwestern Pennsylvania. Last year, millions of dollars were allocated for landslide remediation in this region.

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